Indianapolis Business Leader Podcast
Indianapolis Business Leader Podcast
Ep96 Lesley Crane CoFounder and Creator, Inclusive Strategies
In this episode, Matt Nettleton interviews Lesley Crane. Lesley is CoFounder and Creator of DiversiFind. DiversiFind is a software company that is designed to support diverse-owned companies as they market themselves to companies that want to diversify their spend. DiversiFind also helps companies advertise solicitation and job opportunities so that they and diverse vendors can find more and better ways to collaborate and grow everyone’s economic opportunities.
To understand why DiversiFind is valuable, there is a McKinsey and Co. study on the importance of supplier diversity and the ROI it can bring to your organization. It’s a great place to start if you’re looking for data to support beginning or growing a supplier diversity program. You can find it at:
You can find more information about Lesley on LinkedIn or at her company website